Colour seascape from an old graphite pencil drawing: Derwent Artbars and Derwent A3 hard back sketch pad

Detail of the rocks and grass I'm suffering withdrawal symptoms, not having been to the coast in ages due to family health issues. So I got out some pencil drawings, done in a sketchbook last year, and decided to work from them in colour. I've sketched and painted in the area a lot over the years and so have lots of memories of the changing colours - the turquoises and deep blues of the sea on a fine day, the jade/viridian of shallow water, the pink and mauve reflections on the wet sand, the misty soft colours of the far off rain clouds and the currents, movement and drama of the sea. The rocks here are sort of warm honey colours, though they change in less than a mile to deep dark granite. detail 2 The finished image - which loses something in photographing it - the very softest, palest colours never pick up well. There are more pale, cool neutrals in the sand than show here. Finished piece It's worked entirely with Derwen...