Experimenting with still life, coloured pencil in A3 moleskine sketchbook

Cat carving and cardoon by lamplight, coloured pencil in A3 moleskine Still looking at the items on the shelf above the tv but moving them around on paper, rearranging and looking at pattern and colour. They aren't in the positions I've drawn them in at all and I've simply used the colour of the vase, though lightening it, not wanting the vase itself explained. The same with the wheat and hearts patterns. Warm light from the lamp and the cool lavender shades are observed so that the whole thing hangs together. Below are the earlier stages as it evolved. I only have a rough idea of the final piece when doing this, unlike a traditional set up, where everything is where it will be in the image. It evolves as I go. Major elements like the cat carving, cardoon, blue of the vase and the honesty are decided immediately - they are the skeleton that everything hangs on. Decisions about depth of tone, lost edges, patterns...