weekend at the coast

I had a great long weekend at the coast with 3 friends, sketching, visiting galleries and mooching around lovely local shops.

The salt marsh at Thornham in pen, pencil and tippex (!)

North Norfolk has long lonely beaches, strands of reflective pools left by the receding tide, ever changing colours, little villages inland, galleries and miles of walks through dunes, bird reserves and salt marshes.

watercolour, pencil, pen, tippex


watercolour, gouache, pen, pencil, pastel pencil

The sketch of the tree stumps and salt marsh in monochrome is in pen, pencil and tippex, I find a tippex pen really useful for drawing back in with white. The watercolours include pencil, pastel pencil and gouache . I pick up whatever I need to make the mark or get the colour I want :)

These were all done in a very small sketchbook - much smaller than I'd normally work - 4x6ins so 8in across the double page spread.

photo: Thornham

photographs just don't show the colours that the eye can see :(


jafabrit said…
Sounds like a lot of fun, and some really nice sketches. Enjoyed looking at them.
A wc member and fellow blogger.
tlwest said…
sounds like you had a fantastic trip! your art is wonderful!
Kathleen Pequignot said…
These sketches are fantastic! I feel like I am there on location with you. Very nice. :)

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