visits and sketches

Yesterday I went on a coach trip with a group I belong to, to see the Van Gogh exhibition at Compton Verney, a stately home with a large art gallery and lovely grounds, then on to Warwick University to see some conceptual art.
The Van Gogh exhibition contained some of his early works and it was so reassuring to see how not-really-very-good they were :) Later works and drawings were wonderful. I especially liked one large painting - the subject was simply a patch of grass with butterflies.
At Warwick University we saw an exhibition of a huge piece by Tomoko Takahashi, filling a large gallery space. The handouts included copies of 2 reviews - one slating her work and the other praising. I'd gone determined to keep an open mind but, to be honest, thinking I may not like it - but it was really very interesting. She'd visited all departments of the vast university and spoken to staff and students and collected stuff that was being thrown away. This varied from huge items like scaffolding and furniture to smaller stuff like lots of ?lost pairs of glasses and keys, heaps of ancient computers, most switched on. The items were arranged in drifts and piles, the shapes and colours flowing, creating a visual variety of quiet and busy areas, flowing lines and 'dots' of item. There was the message about recycling but it was also visually very interesting with the gallery dimly lit and small lights arranged to light elements, creating great shapes and drama. I would have loved to sketch there - but large drawings, taking time, not just quick sketches.
At the end of the exhibition all the elements will be given away to the public.
While we waited to meet up with the group before leaving I did these very very quick sketches of people in the cafe.
