Gouache and Artbars landscape in the Stillman and Birn Alpha sketchbook

Evening Light, Winsor and Newton Gouache and Derwent Artbars in the A4 Stillman and Birn Alpha sketchbook. Further experimenting with gouache, Derwent Artbars and Stillman and Birn sketchbooks. This was a demo to students about the benefits of working on a dark background when painting moody scenes. I scribbled various deep colours with the Artbars and then washed them into a streaky deep background. Then with gouache I worked over it - thin glazes and thicker paint - then worked back in with the Artbars in places. Leaving parts of that dark background as tree trunk, far trees, some of the field, scratching through to the darkness below for fine lines and marks. The pale flowers in the foreground were done with white gouache, flicked from a bristle brush to keep the marks random and free. The combination of media worked well with lots of variation in marks possible.