Derwent new watercolour paper pads - experimenting with sketching in various water soluble media

Trying out Derwent's inktense, watercolour pencils, Graphitint, Graphitone, Artbars and more on their new watercolour paper pads

Derwent Watercolour Paper

Derwent have brought out some new watercolour paper pads, perfect for their water soluble pencils and crayons.   It's 140lb which is heavy enough for the amount of water I'd normally use with these - I wouldn't normally have huge wet washes.

I tried out sketches of items from my sketching roll and various coloured pencils and crayons.  All worked really well, the surface was a delight to work on with colour flowing freely, with the potential to lose or keep marks as I wanted.

Products used here were 
  • Derwent watercolour pencils
  • Derwent Inktense
  • Derwent Graphitint
  • Derwent Graphitone
  • Derwent Artbars
  • Derwent Aquatone
  • Derwent Charcoal Pencil
  • Rotring Art Pen
....  with sketches of their electric eraser, sharpener for pastels and waterbrush, just some of the things from my pencil roll of sketching materials.

Sketch in watercolour pencil, close up

sketch using Aquatone pencils and waterbrush

Verdict:   When life demands allow me out to do some more serious sketching this book is coming with me.  I really like the paper very much, it allows colours to be clean, glow and yet mix beautifully in both free flowing masses of colour and 'tighter' observations,   I like the smooth surface, which doesn't impose an unwanted texture on my work. 

Links to previous posts on the media used

Various watercolour pencils


Cathy Gatland said…
This paper really looks lovely - a smoother surface for water media will be very welcome, I hope it makes it to our art shops! Delightful sketches and experiments too!
Anita said…
I just bought a box of watercolour pencils - not really tried them out yet. What do you think of Aquatone?
vivien said…
Thanks Cathy.

Anita I like the Aquatone but prefer their normal watercolour pencils and Inktense - love the inktense. The Artbars are good as well for broader sweeps of colour.

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