people sketching while waiting

Little courtyard off the waiting room, people waiting to be seen by the doctor; Rotring pen, water soluble felt pen with waterbrush and Parker jotter in Stillman and Birn Gamma Sketchbook

I'm seeing rather too much of hospital waiting rooms at the moment - but the weather was nice so we waited in a little courtyard garden, just off the waiting room, for our appointment - which of course was running late.   Sketching people out in the fresh air relieved the boredom considerably :>)

Not great sketches - my excuse is that the models kept twitching and moving and crocheting and suchlike, making it impossible to do the woman's hands for instance  - for me anyway.

I just can't enjoy sketching like this with my Rotring pen - I find nibs too scratchy.  :>(    (man on the top right).   I binned my Lamy pen because no matter what I did or how I cleaned it,  it refused to let the ink flow freely - not one I'd ever buy again - unless Lamy want to send me one that works?    I wish I could find an affordable pen that flexes and where the ink really flows freely.

I quite like the washes you cn sweep out from the felt pen (brush-like tip one end, drawing tip the other end) and have always enjoy drawing in biro/ballpoint pen.

Oh well, it was a bit of practice and saved me from ennui :>).

What is your preferred medium for these sort of quick sketches?

I will finish the series of 'essentials' when life calms down a little.


dinahmow said…
I buy cheap(ish)fibre tip fine-liners(Artline 200) which are sufficiently water-proof for a slosh of water colour when I want.They also allow me to sign cheques. And I have an also cheap ballpoint that does the same.Several water-brush pens, 2 filled with tinted water.
And I've recently (thanks to you and Lynne Chapman) been trying Derwent's Inktense.
Pretty basic stuff, really.
harry bell said…
I have the same problem. I had to give up on my three Rotring Art Pens because they simply stopped flowing and I've never been able to clear them again.

Currently I'm posting some very old sketches I did, not very satisfactorily, with a fine point marker, but on a more recent trip I tried out a fibre tip and a Brushpen. I find the Brushpen is great for rocks and trees but not for people or buildings.

One day I'll settle on the *ideal* tool!

[BTW - I've tried five times so far to pass the "I'm not a robot" test. These are very very difficult to read.]
vivien said…
oh dear! sorry about the robot test

yes, the ideal tool is indeed hard to find - charcoal meets a lot of my criteria but needs a really large page size and is of course delightfully messy.

I'm enjoying your old work amd it's interesting to see how your work developed over time.
harry bell said…
For what it's worth, I decided to give up on the robot test on my blog and since then Blogger's spam detector has successfully shunted every piece of spam comment into a spam folder so it doesn't appear on the blog.
vivien said…
somebody else said that - I'll have to look into how to disable it. I find them annoying too.
vivien said…
done ..... I think
harry bell said…
Yes. Done!

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