The edge of the wood: sketch using Derwent's new XL range of graphite and charcoal with mixed media

Derwent have brought out some new, very chunky sticks of tinted graphite and tinted charcoal. Both are water soluble, rich and expressive. I have only just begun to find out what I can do with them, they have loads of potential for interesting marks.

This is a sketch done, mixing them with some ink drawing with a bamboo pen, a little touch of red and yellow watercolour and a little white gouache. The sky and all those earthy colours are the XL graphite with a little of the tinted charcoal.

I'm thinking they will be great for life drawing and working plein air on a large scale.

Click to see the whole image.

Has anyone else tried them yet?


David King said…
Looks like you're having a lot of fun experimenting Vivien. I haven't played with these things myself.
vivien said…
I am Dave! You might like them.
Margo said…
I love the tinted charcoal, but haven't been able to find the XL's yet, they may not be available on this side of the pond yet? I've been doing lots of watercolor in my IFJM sketchbook, perhaps it's time to add some of the tinted charcoal to some of those sketches.
vivien said…
I don't know if you have them there or not yet ... They are very chunky and being water soluble opens up all sorts of possibilities. I think you will like them.

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