Pirate maps

Pirate map

Really busy with lots of projects and painting.   This is a one ticked off the long list - a pirate map for my grandson.


Jean Spitzer said…
Lucky grandson.

Is this a map of a real place?
Unknown said…
That is such a good idea!!!! Wow! You could sell those, personalized for each person with all the special things they love... I know he's going to "treasure" this map. How will you wrap it and present it to him? Rolled in a bottle? or in a little chest with a key? Im so intrigued!
cath carbone said…
Très joli post !
Very nice post!
Have a nice day! Cath.
vivien said…
Thank you all !

It's totally made up using family names for places Jean :-)

Katherine thank you for those great ideas on wrapping, I hadn't thought that far. A bottle sounds a great idea, thank you :-)

Et merci Kath :-)

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