Masquerade Roses, against the light in watercolour

Masquerade Roses contre jour, watercolour and coloured pencil sketch in 7x7 inch S&B sketchbook This was a challenge to myeself to do some blowsy roses, strongly backlit by the bright day outside, creating deep shadows on leaves and window frame (which I simplified to abstract geometric shapes). Flowers aren't something I do very often. They are climbing masquerade roses that I remember buying for £1.60 as a sickly little plant a few years back, that have now spread yards along a fence and flower and flower. They start out yellow and gradually the red creeps in and takes over as the flowers open. The route I took was to play with the intense shadow, lost edges and brightly backlit elements. Interestingly this week A&I magazine (July issue - in May !) was about painting light, featuring a series of different painters. One, Edward Seago whose main interest was the depiction of light, said that there were 2 ways of tackling bright light: ...