Summers sort of here so of course I'm painting snow

snow ......

I've neglected my blog - I'll try to post slightly more often.  The warmer weather is here - so of course I get interested in snow.  It started because of a trip to the Cotswolds to see a Kurt Jackson exhibition in April - there was incredibly late snow on the hilltops looking wonderful.  That led to one painting and made me revisit sketches I did of a very early snowfall one November and work further from those.

 November Low Sun, EarlySnowfall

approx 15 inches square, pastel

This is from the sketches done when we had and unusual very early snowfall in November, when there were still hints of autumn colour.   As I looked at the field a flock of birds took off,  The light in the sky was glorious and the patterns of the ploughed field - everything just added up to one of those perfect moments.

Dusk, November, Early Snowfall

tiny one, approximately 5 inches square, coloured pencil

The birds have flown and the light is fading in this one.

And the one that set me off looking at snow again ....

Late Snowfall, April

approx 15 x 17 inches approx

On both occasions it was the special light that appealed and the colours - the evening sky in November, the patterns of the fields, the birds - and in thespring image, the light again with us in sun and just below the snowline and the wonderful threatening sky ahead, with the acid spring greens against the snow.

and there's more .... but I'll put them in another post.


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