The Christmas Card design for this year

The Christmas card design for this year - digital image from mixed media sources
Vivien Blackburn

You can't see it very well here - but that is a star shining through the trees.

I decided I'd better get a move on with the Christmas cards as I've hardly even thought about Christmas yet apart from a few presents bought online ....... and a few things bought for me while I was searching! oooops - I was supposed to be searching for presents for others

I'm still doing horribly long hours - yesterday involved leaving home at 7.30am and getting home at 10pm - teaching morning, afternoon and evening. :( and I'd rather be painting.

Do you make your own cards? for everyone? just for family and close friends? originals or prints of your own designs/work?


Shirley Anne Sherris said…
The card design is beautiful and lucky those who receive them.
I don't send my own work or even prints of it as I can't bear the thought of it being discarded afterwards as most would not appreciate what they are receiving all except my brother-in-law who does so he sometimes receives originals just for him.
sharon young said…
Hi Vivien
Your work schedule sounds horrendous, how do you ever get time for 'play'?
Your xmas card is lovely, a very different approach, I must admit I haven't started properly on this year's card, but must do it this weekend or it'll be too late ....Again!
Lindsay said…
Hope your schedule eases up soon. Sounds monstrous!
The card is beautiful.
vivien said…
thanks Shirley, Sharon and Lindsay

I agree about being upset about original work being discarded! I only send originals to those I know will appreciate them.

I got collared to work this afternoon to cover an class instead of coming home :( but I am off until Tuesday now :) - big smile!
Catnapping said…
kate said…
Your card is lovely - the colours are wonderful.

I'm glad you have a few days grace from teaching to do your own painting!
vivien said…
thanks Catnapping and Kate :)

your cards are gorgeous
Suzanne McDermott said…
Look at those blues! Maxfield Parrish swoons. Lovely.
dinahmow said…
I'm afraid I fall into the rather snobbish category of not sending "good" cards to people I know will simply bin them. But if I don't do my own I buy charity cards.And for the
"chuck 'em out" people, I send half price cheapies and give the balance to a charity.
vivien said…
thanks Suzanne :D

and Dinah I don't think that sounds snobbish! pearls before swine??? a waste !!! :D

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