quick mixed media winter scene

Birches in the Snow - Vivien Blackburn - mixed media
8 -12 ins approx

It's cold and though it isn't snowy like this it feels cold enough to be!

Mixed media - watercolour, oil pastel, coloured pencil, conte pencil and tippex.

Travelling to and from work through the countryside the best views are always where it's impossible to stop :( so I look hard and try to remember the light. We did have a dusting of snow one day - which was worrying as we never normally get snow until January. I hope we don't have a hard winter.


Suzanne McDermott said…
Quick is good if this is the result. Another very nice range of blues... In fact, a relative of your Christmas card!
vivien said…
thanks :)

it is a relative isn't it!
Shirley Anne Sherris said…
Oh so cool - I do so admire you style- I wish...
I know what you mean about the picture you want is not a safe place to stop. Find the same with my photography -
Your memory is pretty good though.
Bill Sharp said…
Beautiful, Vivien. I feel the cold and so serene.
sharon young said…
What a beautiful evocative sketch! The colours are wonderful and it's so full of life!
vivien said…
Shirley, Bill and Sharon - thank you :D

It's funny I love painting snow but hate to be outside in it in reality!
Lindsay said…
Nobody mixes media like you. Just lovely.
Robyn Sinclair said…
You make the snow look like such a magical place to be, Vivien. One of the things I'm most grateful for this year is you opening my eyes to the potential of mixed media. I haven't done much yet but it's in the works. Thank you!
I too fear we may be in for a very cold winter but the other half of me yearns for a white Christmas.
vivien said…
Lindsay and Robyn - thank you :D

I do love mixing media because it expands the 'visual vocabulary' available to work with :)

I'll be watching developments with interest as you play :)
Laura Frankstone said…
Vivien, this is beautiful. Such a crystalline scene, so successfully rendered. I wish I could see it in person, because I can't see in it all the mediums you list. Whatever you've used, you've done a fabulous job.
vivien said…
thanks :)

next one I do I'll try to remember to enlarge sections so it's more obvious just what's what.

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