mist and ice: photographs

Frosted leaf, Vivien Blackburn

It was -6C today and the mist and ice looked beautiful so I stopped going to work and coming home to take some photos.

The remnants of warmth in the leaf colours looked amazing contrasting with the coldness of the ice.
and the sun was setting as I came home - just after this I left the clear skies and drove into very very thick fog and grey-whitenout-ness.

You can see more here

and look at this excellent post by Adebanji Alade on his recent marathon, planning, pricing, comfort and more


Billie Crain said…
Awesome photos, Vivien!
annie said…
As I wrote on your THROUGH THE LENS, I am so glad that you are a person who will stop what she is doing and will seize the moment, then share the loveliness with us.

I am feasting on these and the ones on LENS. Thank you for them.

Theresa Evans said…
Beautiful sunset ... and that leaf! We just can't compete with nature when it throws up a trump card like this - so perfect. Wish winter felt as nice as it looks!
vivien said…
Thanks Billie and Annie :>)

Theresa me too - I hate the cold! but it really was beautiful
Jean Spitzer said…
Beautiful. Glad you stopped---and shared.
I just love these photos - the recent weather conditions present marvellous visual opportunities.
Robyn Sinclair said…
That leaf is amazingly beautiful, Vivien. I guess it's even colder at the moment.

I always love your photos.
vivien said…
thanks :>)

yes, this weather does give some great opportunities - usually when I don't have a camera and am heading for work Z:>( !

Robyn it's FREEZING at the moment and looks like being a hard winter this year

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