Hearts and Flowers - beaded floral necklace

Hearts and Flowers, beaded necklace with lucite flowers, Vivien Blackburn
This and others are in my Etsy store now

Committments have cut into my painting time lately - but these necklaces I can work on under artificial light in the evening and I'm enjoying playing with colour combinations and beads.

I'd appreciate some advice from you who wear necklaces - what length do you like to wear?  16inch?   18inch?  20 inch?? (that's excluding the pendant flowers).  In the past the ones I've made have been just for me and I'd like to know what lenght you would consider the best generally?

Off to do some painting now ............


Lisa Le Quelenec said…
I prefer the 16inch ones myself but then I'm short :o) We sold mostly 18inch necklaces at the gallery I worked at if that helps.
vivien said…
Thanks Lisa - that's helpful
Bhavna said…
I was really fascinated by your blog.I consider my creative inclination a wonderful gift to produce artwork and my inspiration is my inner self and world around me. There is an attempt to create a powerful emotional bond that reaches the heart and soul of the viewer.As an artist, I have explored variety of themes and ideas. The exploration clearly reflects the diversity and escapades of my journey of evolving experience and confidence in my work. Paintings as jubilation, emancipation express different emotions like hope, joy, calmness or motivation while abstract waterscape is just vibrant and full of life.

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