Rainy windows 2, sketch with mechanical pencil in Stillman and Birn Epsiilon sketchbook

Another sketch through a rainy windscreen whilst waiting for family appointment.   Graphite in Stillman and Birn sketchbook.

This week is taken up with so many appointments for family and me too.   This is a quickie, done while my mother had her regular Warfarin blood test.

The car this time is further away, so the raindrops distort more, as proportionally they are much larger than Friday's rainy window sketch.  It was interesting how long the arch of the limit of the windscreen wiper stayed and how little globs of water built up along the lower edge like bobbles on a Victorian curtain.

The steering wheel size is too small, I added it later, often not a good idea - my mother came out too quickly for me to finish it there.

I will continue the series of post on essential elements in drawing - but life at the moment is a little hectic. 

And a link to a great article on Leonardo's anatomical studies.   Well worth a look - a man incredibly ahead of his time.


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