a flock of birds rises over winter fields, first snow: watercolour and mixed media painting in a moleskine folio watercolour sketchbook

a flock of birds rise: watercolour and mixed media, detail This is another look at the wonderful late afternoon light over the first snowfall of the year. Getting the intense glow of the sun wasn't easy - until I treated myself to a tube of opera rose from Winsor and Newton . It is intense ! mixed with transparent yellow it glows . Thank you to my friend Robyn Sinclair for introducing me to this colour - another friend Liz Steele also bought it on her recommendation and has fallen in love with it too! The whole painting: It isn't easy to see the glazes and subtle colour changes in this so, further details below: This was done in the big A3 moleskine watercolour folio sketchbook. A lovely size to use. Unlike the S&B sketchbook though, I had problems with the page buckling, meaning a lot of moving the book to prevent gulleys of deeper colour settling - not good (it did dry f...