Painting snow in late afternoon light, watercolour and tinted charcoal

Late afternoon light on snowy fields, a flock of birds suddenly took to the sky, watercolour and mixed media in Stillman and Birn Beta Hardback sketchbook

Another in the series trying to capture the fleeting dramatic light on fresh snow and to get to grips with the sheer amount of liquid my new brush holds!

This one is difficult to photograph as the photos tend to lose the subtle colours on the hillside and darken the sky just a fraction too much.

This involved Derwent tinted charcoal pencils used with watercolour and a tiny touch of oil pastel in a Stillman and Birn Beta sketchbook with its lovely heavy paper.

I'm not sure what the birds were - starlings or pigeons?

And a watercolour version of the hedge:

Again it is done with watercolour plus tinted  charcoal pencils.


Anonymous said…
Most probably crows and jackdaws if the fields are like here!
vivien said…
Crows could be. I've never seen jackdaws in huge number like this. There must have been 100 in the flock in reality, I edited in the painting.

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