Alnmouth beach, Northumberland, on a rainy day; mixed media

Alnmouth beach, a rainy morning, mixed media in S&B Delta A4 sketchbook

Passing showers meant that I worked sitting in the car, from a car park with great views of the sweep of the beach and the gorgeous clouds.

Again mixed media, with a lot of watercolour involved.  Because it was autumn, we were travelling to the north and weather was likely to be changeable, I made a decision on this trip to leave my oils at home,  They just aren't practical if it's necessary to work in the car.  I had some non-slip matting that meant my water pot, balanced on the dashboard,  didn't land on me - useful stuff though I don't know what it's called.

I absolutely loved Northumberland, beaches, castles, hills .... so much drama.


annie said…
What a gorgeous view, Vivien. I can see some of the drama you speak of, with those clouds and waves and lights and shadows. So much movement.
vivien said…
Thanks Annie.

Turner did some fantastic paintings in this area - it's worth googling Northumbria/Northumberland and Turner to see them. He caught some wild seas.
annie said…
You are so right, Vivien. Thanks.
vivien said…
glad you enjoyed them :>)

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