Getting ready for Christmas. Russian dolls designed using coloured pencils

Russian dolls designed using coloured pencils on blanks

My grandaughter (3 at Christmas) is interested in Russian dolls, so I decided to make her some for Christmas.   The smallest one is less than half an inch tall so I think the 2 smallest will have to be looked after by her mother until she's a bit older.     I want her to be able to play with them.

I made some a few years ago which  you can see here  .  When it first occurred to me to have a go at making some I wasn't even sure if you could buy unpainted blank dolls.   A search on ebay showed that you could, in various sizes, groupings and shapes.  I decided then that coloured pencil would be the most easily controlled way of decorating them and it worked really well, so these are again done with cps.  3 coats of varnish and they are done :>)  (now all I have to do is 3 paintings, some bedclothes for a dolls bed. a book, some jewellery many weeks is it til Christmas?  8>O )

Below is an image done as I began, showing the blanks.

The little rag doll that the largest figure is holding is a drawing of the one that I made and that will feature in a story book for her. But that's another post .....


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