harlquins finished at last

at last the Harlequin paintings are finished. I handed them in this morning and the private view is later in the week.

Lots of people had done interesting work based on clowns, Laurel and Hardy etc but I'd wanted to stay quite abstract on this one.

I handed it in this morning and the private view is later this week.

Harlequin: Gold 30x40 inches on gallery wrap canvas
Harlequin: Blues 24x30 inches on gallery wrap canvas

There should have been a third - but I hated it! it is destined for the bin and I'll re-cover the stretcher for another painting. It was such a disaster it isn't even fit for painting over!

Now I can get into the print workshop and print some collagraph plates that I've had done for ages and do some more landscapes.


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