using coloured pencils
I normally only use coloured pencils on top of watercolour in sketches, to strengthen shapes and tones or work on textures. Inspired by the lovely work of Katherine on and I decided to sketch some flowers from photos (another thing I never normally do is work from photos) while my husband was glued to sport on TV :( and work entirely in coloured pencil.
These were done with a very cheap set of 20 from
Tesco for £1.53 :)
I'm planning to do some large canvasses based on flowers and thought I'd do these as studies. I find it difficult to paint from photos as they contain too much information in some ways and not enough in others. I thought these would help me move on from the photographic image, a step towards the freer canvasses I want to create.
I ended up with some little images I quite like in their own right and a new medium to exploit :)
The poppies are about 3.5 inches square and the camellia is nearly 6x4 - they were done in a tiny 6x4 sketchbook.
I don't think I'd enjoy landscapes plein air with coloured pencils as I want something much more immediate and these are quite slow to work with, building up the colours in layers. I will definitely use them more for studies like this though - the colour on the page is lovely and intense and they are ideal where I can't use a messy medium.
I'm a very messy worker with paint :(
I've been going out with a mixed media bag instead of my drawing pencil case....larger load I must say but way more fun.
Katherine I'm off to Smiths! I have ordered a few odd colours online and they should arrive on Monday :)