Happy Birthday Sam

Happy Birthday Sam! One year old :>) - it doesn't seem a year since my daughter was rushed into hospital for an emergency caesarian .... but it is. And Sam is now a delightful active .... errrm very active one year old :>)

Sorry about the lack of recent posts but we are going through a really bad time at the moment and I'll get back on track as soon as possible.


Julie said…
Don't apologise Vivien. I hope you find strength and comfort to cope. I recognise St Ives in your card I think and what a joy to have a lively one year old grandson.
Jeanette Jobson said…
Time passes fast, doesn't it? A year is gone in a blink. But lovely to be there to see the child grow.

I'm sorry you're having a difficult time right now. You're in my thoughts - sending you good wishes.
vivien said…
Julie - It is very loosely based on St Ives :>) He's not long spent a holiday there and I'm doing a similar painting for his bedroom wall.

Jeanette yes the time has zoomed by
... and thank you.
If you think one year has whizzed past - wait until he is almost nine as my grandson is now and I wonder where on earth the years have disappeared to. It seams like last week he was a toddler like Sam.
Yesterday I made a comment on the programme he was watching and he dryly replied - 'I have a different sense of humour to you Grandma'. Hmmm.
vivien said…
Lor Lor said…
I have you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
harry bell said…
I'm sorry to read that things are still bad for you. I hope they resolve themselves favourably.
Lindsay said…
Vivien this is charming! You are in my thoughts often....
vivien said…
Lorraine, Harry, Lindsay - thank you
caseytoussaint said…
Happy Birthday to Sam! This is wonderful. I hope you're holding up alright....we're all holding you in our thoughts these days.
vivien said…
thanks Casey :>) I'm seeing Glen on Friday and will be able to pick up the FPP's from her - I'm twitching to see them!

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