sketchbook exchange - another update

monoprint and coloured pencil. in Casey's book for the FPP exchange, by Vivien - link to the exchange website

These are my additions to Casey's book - theme: Local Colour. It's safely arrived in France so I can post them here now :>)

The monoprints were done by painting onto acetate with turpsy oil paints and then using that to print onto paper. I then worked on them when dry with coloured pencil in some areas.

My husband and my father are both seriously ill - I won't go into detail but it is having a huge impact on the family so bear with me if postings are a bit erratic while we all come to terms with things.



dinahmow said…
Very sorry to hear of your worries, Vivien. Good vibes to your family.
Take care.
vivien said…
thanks Dinah
Brian McGurgan said…
Your contributions to Casey's book are really beautiful, Vivien. I love the patterns formed by the darks set so nicely against the delicate colors you've used. Casey is fortunate to get to see these in person and to keep them as well!

I'm so sorry to hear about your father and husband and am wishing all of you the very best.
annie said…
Your life seems heavy duty, right, now, Vivien, and I have written you an email. My best to you and your family
Making A Mark said…
Vivien - your life at the moment needs no more words from me...have a big hug instead!

What I do want to say though is how amazing these monoprints and CP pics are - and I'd love to see more - in fact I'd love to see a WIP when you've got the time and space.
Cathy Gatland said…
Best wishes and strength to you and yours, Vivien.
I love the monoprints, what an interesting technique!
Unknown said…
Sorry to hear that, health worries are not good, take care of you and yours - Chrissy
vivien said…
brian - thanks for the explanation - that's a technique I'll have to try it sounds like I'd like it.

and thank you all for the good wishes - we really need them just now
Vivien, I'm so sorry to hear of the illness in your family. Please take care. I wish for a very speedy and complete recovery for your loved ones.
my croft said…
my thoughts are with you and your family. In the midst of all the staying strong, do find some moments to break down. I speak from expereience -- it's good for you.

vivien said…
I will

thank you

for one there isn't a recovery - it's just a case of how long?

for the other it's in the balance
Brilliant images and fascinating technique.

Best wishes
Julie said…
I'm going to try the monoprint technique, thanking you for blogging it.

I'm so sorry for the worry you have and hope for the best outcome where this is still a possibility. I wish you lots of strength and hope.
vivien said…
thanks David and Julie :)

It is an interesting way of working and is great for freeing you up if that's what you want.
Chris Bellinger said…
Very sorry to hear both tou husband and Father being vey ill, I shall send you positive thoughts
Ihave jumped ship and you can find me at Wordpress
Gesa said…
Vivien, these are beautiful pieces, so rich. I am thinking of you and your family.
vivien said…
Gesa and Chris thanks

I'll visit you at wordpress Chris
Chris Bellinger said…
I have dedicated todays post on my blog to
vivien said…
thank you Chris you are very kind

- incidentally smiley faces done like :) this on wordpress turn out as winking ones - strange.

I'm going to read the Reiki link properly tomorrow.

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