more digital doodling

Detail 1, thistles, digital image, Vivien Blackburn
(using ribbon, fur, shading and chrome tools)

Detail 2, thistles, digital image, Vivien Blackburn

This programme by Mr Doob is positively addictive. I've been doodling some more (when I should be doing lesson plans).

Thistles, digital image, Vivien Blackburn

These are really making me want to do some etchings - there is a process which uses photocopies of sketches, transferring them onto the printing plate. Combine that with monoprintng and/or chine colle* and it could work really well if it picks up the fine marks ok.

These are drawn with a mouse - a digital tablet is on my shopping list of 'wants'. Any advice anyone on the best (and not too expensive) ones??? I look and I'm bewildered by the choices and unsure what I need.

* I apologise for the missing accent but I've forgotten how to find the characters, for anyone who isn't sure what chine colle is - it's simply collaged elements with printmaking processes.


Jeanette Jobson said…
These darks and greys are very print like and very appealing.

I bought a tablet and pen a few years ago and can count on one hand the number of times I've used it. I should dig it out and see if it will perform for me. I don't know if it would work with this particular program, likely not. Its usually tied into PS or Corel or similar graphic programs, but you never know.

I have an inexpensive one and I knew it would collect more dust than be used. Its got a screen size of about 6 x 4 and that's adequate for what I want. It was about $100 US when I got mine but has come down in price now.
Charlene Brown said…
Love your digital doodles -- thanks for introducing us to that program! If you do splash out for a tablet, make sure you get a medium to large one -- not so big it's cumbersome, but definitely not the smallest, least expensive one either. Painting on a tablet that's much smaller than your computer screen is like painting with a rope
Gesa said…
i completely agree re etching. photo etching seems an intuitive follow on. i like watching the tool darkening and deepening the marks... you can just about visualise the acid doing its work.
will you etch? for me it'll be spring (april onwards) before i can use the studio space but these are on my list of things to explore with etching.
vivien said…
Thanks for that info Jeanette :>) it's what I need to know, people's personal experiemce

Sadly prices in the UK are always higher :>(

I didn't realise they were tied into programmes

And Charlene thanks for that info too - it's all helping :>)

Probably a similar timescale for me too Gesa. Life is a bit hectic at the moment but I'm really feeling like doing some more printmaking.

Yes it's definitely etching that I would like to be working with. I like the way you can experiment with inking up and getting totally different results.
~Babs said…
I know absolutely nothing about digital art, though I admire it greatly.The programs all befuddle my head, more than it is already.
How cool these would be as prints,,they are so intriguing.
vivien said…
:>) that programme is worth having a go with Babs
tracey clarke said…
The only make of tablet you should consider is WACOM. These tablets last a life time (mine is now 10 years old). WACOM owns the patent to a particular technology which means the pens do not have batteries. All other makes and brands are inferior.

A word of warning, unless you are extremely computer literate, you will need to get one of the new generation of tablets (Bamboo or Intuos4) as the older tablets are difficult to get to work on the newer PC systems.

So sorry to contradict Jeanette, the WACOM tablets can be used as a mouse. In fact I very rarely use my mouse and use my tablet pen in all programs. Some painting programs may not support the pressure sensitivity.

I agree with Gesa that a medium tablet (active area size is approx. A5) is good choice and a balance between price and size.

However, if you want to just give it a go then look at getting a Bamboo Pen Tablet. (This range is aimed at the Prosumer and was released as a gateway product to appeal to amateur digital photographers who wanted to use Adobe Photoshop for image re-touching.) It's active area is A6 and with a price tag of £30-£50.

I'm a new comer to your blog so I've no idea if you work within an educational establishment or as a personal tutor. If you work at a college, ask around the digital photography department (if you have one) they have to have tablets! Ask if you can borrow one over the Easter break.

BTW, I'm a professional digital artist and tutor, and I have been using WACOM tablets for over 15 years.

I really hope the info is of some help to you.
vivien said…
EXTREMELY helpful and full advice and it's much appreciated :>) Thanks for taking the time. It's exactly the sort of things I need to know.

Thank you Tracey

I do teach at educational establishments - but not ones with this level of equipment :>( borrowing would be ideal to try one out.
Vivien, you amaze me with your ease in front of the computer doing digital art...these look SO great.
I'm alos in the mood for etching. I've been looking at a lot of etches and lithographs etc these last few months, especially old/vintage/anitques and I love it so. It will be a bit different from what you plan, so I'll be watching you with an eagle eye to see how it all turns usual..spectacular, of that I am sure. You are an artist at heart.
vivien said…
awwww thank you :>)

I'm not sure how soon I'll be able to go and have a play with etching but hopefully in a few weeks.

I've been enjoying watching your recent work :>)