Gwenver, next to Sennen Cove

Gwenver (White Sand Bay) from the cliff top, watercolour/mixed media, 24 x 10 ins, Vivien Blackburn

Sorry for the absence - life got in the way.

This sketch of Gwenver (Whitesand Bay), next to Sennen Cove, was done in the Canson watercolour sketchbook that I like. The paper isn't so good if you want to do an even wash over a large area as it soaks up the paint - but English skies aren't often a plain colour so I find it no problem. It was a wild and windy day, though warm, and there was a lot of foam and wild white breakers.


It really is a beautiful place.


Judy Birmingham said…
Your painting is so beautiful! I'm so amazed with the amount of detail in the waves and the perfection of the sky. I didn't think that was achievable with watercolour on lightweight paper...but perhaps it was the very limitation of the paper to hold large wash areas, that made this painting work so well.
vivien said…
thanks :>)

yes you are probably right - the paint behaves very differently on heavier paper, sitting on the surface for much longer and enabling you to push it around, blot it, thin it etc. This isn't flimsy and doesn't buckle but just slurps up the paint nearly as much as cartridge paper so doesn't give very much time to adjust.
Sarah said…
Ha, snap! tho I like yours better! Lovely waves. Isnt it fab down there, we have a friend who lives up at the top of marias lane so down there often, give me a shout next time you are there.
Sarah said…
Ha, snap! tho I like yours better! Lovely waves. Isnt it fab down there, we have a friend who lives up at the top of marias lane so down there often, give me a shout next time you are there.
Julie Dunion said…
I have completely fallen in love with this part of the country through your paintings, Vivien! It's quite a distance from me but I simply have to visit it at some point.
vivien said…
Julie I'm sure you'll love it there :>)

Thanks Sarah :>) I had been hoping to give you a shout this time - I'd love to meet up. I wasn't there for long and had set up a mobile internet thingie on the laptop - which couldn't get a signal so I was sunk.

I'm trying to persuade Katherine to go down there and sketch too.
daviddrawsandpaints said…
Sennen Cove is the stuff of my dreams, and now Gwenver!
I want to walk on the cliffs and look down over the turbulent sea and draw and paint and be. Clear skies are not enough, I want the rich tapestry of clouds reflected in the water that breaks and foams and my dreams are carried on the white horses and I feel ALIVE!
This does it for me.
vivien said…
absolutely! clouds and surf and changing light and drama :>)

get thee down there!

You can walk the cliffs for miles.
Anita said…
Lovely, lovely, lovely! Nothing else to say! Still a Huge fan!
vivien said…
thanks Anita :>)

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