Pendeen Lighthouse in watercolour/mixed media

I sketched the lighthouse at Pendeen 2 days running in very different light and weather conditions.

Detail of sketch of Pendeen Lighthouse in watercolour/mixed media. Vivien Blackburn

This detail shows the single track lane leading along the clifftop to the lighthouse.

The sea at the foot of the cliff was this beautiful colour, while out at sea areas were intensely dark.

The cliffs fall steeply away, covered with wildflowers.

and the whole double page, 24x9 ins

.... and one done the previous day in very different light, from slightly nearer - pearly colours, with the sky and sea merging

I do love our changing light :>)


caseytoussaint said…
and you render it so beautifully - these are really lovely, Vivien!
laura said…
I love these, Vivien. The colors are fantastic, and I especially admire your treatment of foreground grasses--so full of energy and texture.
Julie Dunion said…
I second that, Casey!
Unknown said…
Good work and a good eye for composition - I can smell the fresh breeze coming in off the see, Vivien.
Unknown said…
Really good work
vivien said…
thank you all :>) I so want to go back and do some more
Kelly M. said…
wondeful sketches -- it always is about the light, isn't it? Thanks for sharing your insights!
vivien said…
yes, it is :>) and thanks

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