exhibition update
Pictures from the exhibition ......
Above shows the lovely old beams and wooden floor of the Old Grammar School built in the 1600's - there was another floor - you can see the holes for the joists on the far side. The headmaster and his family lived up there and this was the schoolroom.
and another look at the outside. The butter market would have been underneath on market days, to keep dairy products cool.
Some of the giclee prints I had done - when I've got a minute I'm going to put some new work in my Etsy store, including some of these prints. I'll reinstate the link when I get this done.
New year resolution is to get to grips with sorting out a paypal button for here too.
On Saturday I was frozen all day and ended up wearing my coat and scarf. Those non cavity insulation walls and high ceiling made the red hot radiators less than efficient! Today I wore several extra layers and was warm as toast :>) A plastic sleeve that was left touching the radiator melted!
The town was buzzing with Christmas shoppers on Saturday and a surprising number of visitors today. Main sales were cards and prints though, less originals sold and those that did were smaller ones, which I'd expected and agrees with Katherine Tyrrell's recent report - the recession plus snow and fog meant sales weren't up to our usual rate :>(
Now I want to sleep for a week.
Above shows the lovely old beams and wooden floor of the Old Grammar School built in the 1600's - there was another floor - you can see the holes for the joists on the far side. The headmaster and his family lived up there and this was the schoolroom.
New year resolution is to get to grips with sorting out a paypal button for here too.
On Saturday I was frozen all day and ended up wearing my coat and scarf. Those non cavity insulation walls and high ceiling made the red hot radiators less than efficient! Today I wore several extra layers and was warm as toast :>) A plastic sleeve that was left touching the radiator melted!
The town was buzzing with Christmas shoppers on Saturday and a surprising number of visitors today. Main sales were cards and prints though, less originals sold and those that did were smaller ones, which I'd expected and agrees with Katherine Tyrrell's recent report - the recession plus snow and fog meant sales weren't up to our usual rate :>(
Now I want to sleep for a week.
Yes, I think sales are down all round, even if Christmas is looming.
I remember well the old buildings and trying to keep warm in winter. Feast or famine!
I really like your block mounted work painted blue at the sides. It really suits the art. Are they Tintoretto panels? I love those to work on.
Hope you all did exceptionaly well! Have a good sleep....
- but I think we've got your weather! It's far far colder than normal at this time of year :>(
Theresa they are deep sided canvasses - they save framing :>) I haven't tried Tintoretto panels - are they the wooden ones?
Yes, the panels are wooden. They have a lovely surface but I also mount watercolour paper on them and work on that too.