Using muted colours: Derwent Tinted Charcoal Pencils and Academy Drawing Pencils

I'm still working my way through the lovely items that Derwent sent me to try out :>) and have been adding things to the review I did of their lightweight, hardback sketchbook at the end of last year, as I've continued to doodle and see what things can do.   

This first one is a view of the winter fields - the tin of tinted charcoal pencils was ideal for this and gave a lovely limited colour range of warm and cool that play against each other perfectly.   I can see me using these frequently for wintry days.  They are fast to work with which is a bonus in our current weather when plein air.  They would combine interestingly with other media.   Something I've yet to try out.  (edit:  I have now mixed them with inktense here  and will add more links as I try them with other media)

Then I tried out their Academy Tame and Wild Set - also limited colours - whilst waiting for a family member visiting the GP.   This was my view from the car :>)   It has some pastel sticks in the set but, wanting to keep my hands clean and only having a short wait, I limited myself to the pencils for this.  The ochre colour doesn't pick up very well  in the scanner sadly - but it's there in areas, particularly the mud splashes on thebottom of the door.

and of course there were the Graphitints, in an earlier post

These were all done in the lightweight A4 sketchbook.

Another sketch with the tinted charcoal is here


Charlene Brown said…
Derwent is so lucky they're got you reviewing their stuff… Everything you write and draw makes buying their materials sound like a exciting opportunity to produce something wonderful!
vivien said…
thanks Charlene :>)

It's so lovely to have so many new things to play with!
Margo said…
I agree with Charlene. Your reviews are comprehensive and the sketches are you fine, It just makes me want to run out and buy whatever products I don't have and give a second look at some I have and haven't been that crazy about.
vivien said…
:>) like you I love new art materials - and simply daren't walk into an art shop if I'm broke. I know I'm incapable of coming out without something!

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