a day of painting canvas edges and framing :(

I really don't enjoy all the work of putting the paintings together to show - all that painting of the edges of the canvas, putting on the D rings and cord (even with help from my husband with that)....

... and as for framing - I hate it! It costs me less if my framer makes the frames and cuts the mounts/mats and then I put the thing together. But you know how it goes. You polish the glass, no dust, you put the painting in - there's a speck of dust, you take it apart and clean it again, put it back together - there's more @"@^@@@**&@ dust :( This why I mainly work on canvas and yet I enjoy working on paper too.

That's how I spent today though. I've yet to discover where I 'safely' put the picture hanging cord and they still need bubble wrapping.

I have to deliver them on Wednesday and then on Friday I have to hang my section of a group exhibition with friends - and then 'man' it on Saturday and Sunday. Roll on Christmas and a bit of a break!

..... except that I've promised some new work for early January at a local gallery

... oh dear!


Anonymous said…
As a pastel artist myself I can understand the framing frustration problem. My husband makes my frames up though I do the mounting. I would prefer to be in my studio creating art. It would be lovely if we didn't have to do anything else but paint but then there is cleaning the house, cooking, more cleaning...... need I say more...chuckle
Making A Mark said…
You'd be surprised how many people who work on paper start yearning after canvas and 'paints' when they get fed up with matting and glazing!.

My expletive quota went right up earlier this month when sorting mats for our exhibition. My framer's offer to cut mats for me is looking very attractive!

so go on - show us what you're exhibiting!!!
vivien said…
Hi Susan - I follow your work - it's lovely.

anyone coming to the door at the moment is NOT asked in! housework? no time!

Katherine I'm showing the images that I've shown in recent posts here and the small coloured pencil studies that featured way back in the summer.

I hadn't painted the edges because I was working on loads at once and they weren't quite finished - I'm messy and likely to get painty fingerprints on if I paint them too soon :(

Paying my framer to have the hassle is defnitely the way forward. He's really good so I know they'd be done well.

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