Sennen Cove , detail, Vivien Blackburn
I think this would work as a large canvas - what do you think?

I haven't had time to do much painting for the last few days due to an awfully heavy workload and an exciting new project I'm involved in.

I had an idea and a name for a group project and talked to Katherine Tyrrell and Lindsay Olson - the idea is now escalating due to the technical knowledge of Katherine and is really getting exciting - a lot of very talented people are going to be involved. Watch this space!


Jeanette Jobson said…
I love the brooding sky in this piece. Yes I think it would translate into a large piece. How large are you thinking of going? A full sheet? Watercolours or oils?

And yes, new projects are always exciting.
annie said…
A fantastic sky. Looking forward to the larger work you have in mind.
Your mysterious project has my ears perked up.
Yellow said…
That huge sky would look fantastic on a bigger canvas. The scale of the landscape below really ads weight to the sky. Fantastic.
Edcooper_art said…

Just having a browse, I found katherines blog last night & it was suddenly open me up to a whole world og great artists! - I really like your landscapes (i have been working on landscapes as well over summer!)

Have you had much luck on Etsy?

I sort of gave up trying to sell online, after a few goes on ebay, im always intersted to here of different avenues!


Sarah said…
Oh yes, what a moody sky, great as a big canvas, I was down there on Sunday, light was fab, grey steely skies and strong setting sun...and the exciting space watching is good eh? :-)
Lindsay said…
Yes, I'd love to see this as a large canvas. The granualted pigments add to the drama of the sketch!

I just wrote a teaser myself. ;>)
vivien said…
thanks everyone :>)

Jeanette I was thinking of oils in layers and scumbles on a canvas in the 3ft or 4ft range - I've got a couple of 40 inch square canvasses and some 3 ft ones and I felt it would work well at that size.

The project really will interest you Annie!

Steph I'm glad you agree :>0

Ed hi :>) and thanks - I've only seriously tried tiny works on Etsy so far and so far they've gone ok - I intend to put larger work on soon. I don't know how that will go.

Sarah you realise I'm green with envy? I'm hoping to come back down in May and maybe have another holiday later that isn't for the family but is with a few friends - to PAINT.

Hi Lindsay - yes, I've just read your post!
vivien said…
thanks everyone :>)

Jeanette I was thinking of oils in layers and scumbles on a canvas in the 3ft or 4ft range - I've got a couple of 40 inch square canvasses and some 3 ft ones and I felt it would work well at that size.

The project really will interest you Annie!

Steph I'm glad you agree :>0

Ed hi :>) and thanks - I've only seriously tried tiny works on Etsy so far and so far they've gone ok - I intend to put larger work on soon. I don't know how that will go.

Sarah you realise I'm green with envy? I'm hoping to come back down in May and maybe have another holiday later that isn't for the family but is with a few friends - to PAINT.

Hi Lindsay - yes, I've just read your post!
Brian McGurgan said…
This is wonderful, Vivien - I love the moody, atmospheric feel of it and think it would look great on a large scale.
vivien said…
tbe plan is to do some large canvasses :>)

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