coming soon ..........

An old painting I'm afraid, of the curious striped cliffs at Hunstanton, as I'm up to my eyes in Christmas cards and stuff rather than fine art but it's relevant .......
.... as I'm getting ready for an exciting group project which will launch this Monday, 1st December - so watch this space :>)
More information and links to follow - but there is a clever hint here:
from a fellow conspirator :>)


Unknown said…
Hi Vivien- I love your Russian doll cool to do the whole family. And as a colored pencil artist, it's good to see cps being used in an original way.
Your book looks like it has a great beginnig...I can ( as a former teacher of preschoolers) say that young children will certainly be able to read and relate to your illustrations. Good luck with that!
Gesa said…
I like this painting a lot... it's in your book too, isn't it?
Hehehe... this is turning into a good whodunnit... or rather: who WILL do it... :)
Have a good Sunday!
vivien said…
That's good to hear Deborah :>)

Yes, it is in the book Gesa - :>D not long now til our launch
Who cares if it's old, Vivien! It's gorgeous...

And congrats on the new blog!
vivien said…
thanks Kate :>)
Anonymous said…
Vivien, it's so lovely to see this painting... so recognisable as Hunstanton's beautiful cliffs and I love the wet foreground too. Wonderful painting. - Sharon
vivien said…
Thanks Sharon :>) - lucky you to live so much nearer < sad sigh >

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