exhibition next week

I've got an exhibition next week with some friends at a local gallery. These are a few of the paintings I have going into it.

Life is a bit hectic with the exhibition, inspections at 2 of the colleges I teach at and family health problems continue :>(

This is also a try out of the slide show Casey Toussaint told me about, that she used to show her book in the FPP exchange so effectively - I''ll use it to show you my book if this works OK. Here is a link to see Casey's gorgeous book http://caseytoussaint.wordpress.com/2008/11/04/check-out-my-slide-show/ - not to mention a great blog :>) so do take a look.


Cathy Gatland said…
The slide show works really well, and the watercolours are so beautiful- sounds like you have your plate well and truly full at the moment!
vivien said…
Thanks Cathy :>)

I have!
Unknown said…
Could you put details of the exhibition (if it is public) on the Upcoming Shows page of your website, please?

I'd love to see your work up close and personal...

Jeanette Jobson said…
That's quite impressive Vivien. The slideshow is very effective.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you for the exhibition. Your paintings are fabulous as always. Just love those turquoises and blues....
annie said…
I love the slide shows here and over at Casey's. And good luck with the exhibition as well as with everything else.
Anonymous said…
Good luck with the exhibition - the slide show's great. And chin up with the ongoing health stuff, it can be so tiring.
Brian McGurgan said…
Your work looks great, Vivien - a very nice selection for exhibition. Best of luck and congratulations with the show. I hope the family health problems there are improving and that you are managing well with all that is going on.

Oh, and I liked the feather drawn in colored pencil as well!
vivien said…
deejay - I've added it as requested :>)
vivien said…
thanks everyone :>)

I do hope it goes well!
Lindsay said…
Best of luck Vivien. It was lovely to see some of my favorite paintings in your slide show. I hope you sell lots of paintings.

I have to try this as my book is back now! Just have not had the time to post.
caseytoussaint said…
Vivien - your paintings are gorgeous! Good luck with your exhibition.
You did a wonderful job on setting up the slide show as well.
vivien said…
Thanks Casey :>)

I've been labelling today so I can deliver them tomorrow - isn't that part the worst - the lists, labels, packing - aaaagghhhh!!!!
ian gordon said…
Beautiful work throughout.
vivien said…
thank you Ian :>)
these paintings are stunning vivien!! I hope your exhibition is going well!
vivien said…
thanks Ronell :>)

I haven't checked yet

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