Painting Russian Dolls

I had a great idea for a Christmas present for my daughter - she doesn't read this so I can tell you!

When she had Sam last year I made a card based on her, her husband, new baby and cat as Russian Dolls.

Sketch planning a card for my daughter and new baby, Vivien Blackburn

I've decided to paint some Russian dolls based on this for Christmas this year and the blank, unpainted dolls arrived this morning :>)

I don't normally work in 3D so this will be a very different challeng

It will be a couple of days before I can start on them. I hope it works! Should I use acrylic paint on the bare wood? prime or varnish it first? what do you think? has anyone done this?



Sarah said…
Prime it, them with white gesso or white emulsion, paint with acrylics (detail can be added with waterproof pens, black lines etc) and when dry varnish with acrylic varnish. If you have used pens then a spray varnish is good.
Top tips from someone who has painted every surface known to man! Lovely idea for a present. xx
vivien said…

thanks Sarah - I hadn't thought of the pens but they would be good to use

Invitations to 'the project' will be issued soon ;>)
Jeanette Jobson said…
What a clever idea. The card is so cute too.

I can't wait to see what you do with the dolls.
Robyn Sinclair said…
This is going to be wonderful to watch!
Gesa said…
hm... very good idea. in particular with the painting done previously. am very intrigued how the dolls turn out... can't offer much in way of priming but i see that is already well covered :)
vivien said…
Jeanette, Robyn and Gesa - I'll probably make mess of it! Fingers crossed!

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