Painting Russian Dolls 2

Some of my family as Russian Dolls, Vivien Blackburn

Not 'Fine' art but fun! here is the progress with painting the Russian Dolls - I've now nearly finished the one of my daughter.

I am going to need to add a little white in the eyes and on the cat on this so will use acrylic.

I let the lines get a bit too heavy on the hair :>( - to leave or to paint in white acrylic to regain the light and then recolour? not sure yet as I think that might jar and not fit in.

Back to 'real' painting soon!



my croft said…
could you carve into the wood to make the lines thinner?

these are so charming.
vivien said…
I could possibly sand it - but it might make the colours turn into mud!

thanks :>)
Anita said…
I like the hair lines - I think thinner would have looked a little meaningless. These are such fun!!
dinahmow said…
Looking lovely!And that cat-what a personality puss!
Julie said…
I think these are beautiful 'as is'. What a wonderful idea, I'm sure your family will love them.
vivien said…
Anita, Dinah, Julie - thanks :>)

personality-puss was inherited when they bought their house - a terrified little soul who wouldn't come in at first (had been fed and looked after by previous residents but never came in as they had 2 cats of their own) but now makes her demands known loudly and climbs on my daughter's knee if she as much as stoops down to pick something up!
annie said…
I like the hair lines, too. The dolls are charming. And Personality-Puss in the the doll's arms looks as if she has graduated from a frightened little cat to one who is able to take care of her life, now.
Jeanette Jobson said…
These are truly whimsical and a lovely thing to both create and to own. I'd love to see you do more of these. They have such appeal.

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