waterways project: aylestone meadows, winter

Aylestone Meadows, Winter, sketch, Vivien Blackburn, charcoal, watercolour and gouache on hand made paper 6x4 ish

A small sketch on hand made paper of the water meadows and the medieval packhorse bridge in the cold winter light. The light today is grey/white and leaches the colours, making the world almost monochrome. The bare branches make intricate lacy patterns.

It was done mostly in charcoal and charcoal pencil with a little watercolour, small touches of coloured pencil and white gouache on a pale beige paper.

You can see earlier work in the series here or here. At Watermarks, our group blog, some of us are going to revisit a place throughout the year as the light and seasons change, noting the changes in colour and mood with time. This is going to be 'my' place to revisit. It only takes about 15 minutes in the car and I like the area with its canal, stream and multiple bridges from the medieval through Victorian to modern.

This is to be part of a series on local waterways that I started some time back - it got put on a back burner due to circumstances outside my control - as politicians say - but I'm hoping to get back to it now, in between other work.

Are you working on a series? leave a link if you are?


Rose Welty said…
Vivien, I'm not working on a series...yet, but I had to stop and say that this is a beautiful sketch...
Jeanette Jobson said…
I love these old bridges. And you have that cold light down well. Winter light really is unique and changes how everything appears, it does remove colour.
Ann said…
I love the mood of this piece!
My series are still in the planning stages, nothing begun just yet.
vivien said…
Do start a series Rose - it can be very very simple like the view from your window or something? - and thank you :>)

Jeanette thanks :>) I love these old bridges too - and to think that it was there before Christopher Columbus sailed to America ....

Thanks Ann - it's good that you are planning. I think you learn a lot working on a series. I do anyway :>)
annie said…
I also like this mood and light at the water meadows and packhorse bridge. Fun to revisit with you and see it through your eyes.
dinahmow said…
I remember that I "met you" when you did that bridge a couple of years ago and linked to my post about the horse's derriere!I've been with you ever since!
You have a way with watery shadows, Vivien. Turner's influence, perhaps?
Lindsay said…
This light looks very much like what I find around 3PM ish here. I love the almost silvery color of the light. This is just beautiful and I'm looking forward to seeing your series develop!
vivien said…
I loved that horses derriere post!!! been following your blog ever since :>)

yes, same bridge but that was Spring and much warmer!

Now family legend says that Turner is family - it was my maiden name. I have VERY carefully not researched it so I can keep half believing!!! I do love his work, especially his sketch books. I saw a fabulous exhibition of those at the Tate a few years ago and they were so free and so contemporary.

Thanks Ann and Lindsay :>)
my croft said…
Hi Vivien, Im so glad to have the Waterways site. I learn so much from you all, I feel sometimes I should be forwarding checks (or even cheques).

I have started a series. Lately, and oddly for secular me, I've been feeling the need for something that would provide a spiritual practice. I'm going to try to do a moon panel once a month (twice in December) and see if that scratches the mystical itch. I have an in-progress shot of the first one up at the croft.

Reviewing what was satisfying in the work I eked out last year, I found that I liked the discipline of the Moby Dick series best, so I'm continuing that and hoping that this new series will be similarly rewarding.
vivien said…
Melanie that sounds a really interesting series with lots of potential :>)

cheques or even checks are gratefully received ;>0
Robyn Sinclair said…
Don't know how I missed seeing this, Vivien something to do with my changeover to Google Reader. Anyway, I love it. The combination of charcoal, watercolour and gouache is so beautiful. Lovely composition too.
vivien said…
thanks Robyn :>) I find bloglines sometimes has hiccups and I miss a post or get it a couple of days late

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