Evening on the beach, high tide, mixed media

Sam on the beach, evening, high tide. Watercolour, mixed media

This is another illustration for Sam's book. We were on the beach as the light faded - looking to the left the sea was bleached of colour a symphony of silvers and greys but to the right it was still aquamarine and viridian.

The tide was high. Sam was playing with his much loved new yellow spade, which was luminous with the light shining through. The harbour wall a silhouett against the light in the distance. Shadows were long. A perfect evening.


Beautiful illustration vivien!! As always,such lovely colors.
vivien said…
Thanks Ronelle - I'm enjoying your recent work and it's lovely to see more of Coin Perdu again :>)
annie said…
So lovely and what fun to be making a book or Sam. Full of memories of what you've shared with him.
Unknown said…
I really like your Cornwall sketches. You've captured the light and the colours, the loneliness of the coastline and the power of the sea. I had a week in Dorset on a family holiday a couple of weeks ago and, as you know, the light is fantastic on the South West coast. The sea and sky seems to change colour quite suddenly which makes it difficult to capture but excellent observation practice too!
Unknown said…
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vivien said…
thanks Michael - yes that's what I love, the rapidly changing colours and light :>)

I like my coast quiet and lonely - not holiday beaches :>)

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