next stage, work in progress, birches and pool

Birches and Pool - changes - work in progress

OK - this is where it is now. I decided to crop it a little and move the elements on the left in, lose some off the top where it was throwing the balance a bit and have a border around, which will show between the painting and the off white mat between it and a pale wood frame.

The colour balance is a little better in this one, closer to the painting

What do you think?


Billie Crain said…
This is coming along nicely, Vivien. I'm not sure I'm fully understanding what you're doing but it's looking good. I loved the golden tones and the use of complimentary colors in the prior post but the passage of deep blue was throwing the comp off a bit. It looked top heavy. This now looks much more balanced.
Julie Dunion said…
I absolutely love this Vivien, exactly as it is. It's earthy yet fresh. Do you plan to do much more to it?
Jean Spitzer said…
I love the colors and line; the framing is too symmetric for me, now.
Pam Johnson Brickell said…
I think it's stunning. I love the texture in the trees, the reflection in the water and the overall depth of this piece!
vivien said…
Jean I agree about the symmetry - it was an early error and trying to keep it within the size means I can't do much about it now :>(

I felt the same about the blue Billie which led to this cropping of the image.

I thing the border will go darker yet but otherwise it's virtually there Julie.

I'm working on the next one now.
Lisa Le Quelenec said…
I'm really enjoying seeing this series and can't wait for the next. I love the marks, colours and shapes. There is one tinsy thing that I would do though. The progression in the scale of the trees is lovely but the middle horizontal bands of the land seem very close in height so it seems to flatten the depth. This contrast might be what you intended though. Just my two pennies worth...
Robyn Sinclair said…
No technical wisdom from me, Vivien but I love the stained-glass jewel-like magic of it.
vivien said…
Hi Robyn :>)

Lisa - you are right - mmmmm I'll take another look at that tomorrow when my brain is awake. Thanks :>)
Lisa Le Quelenec said…
Happy blogging birthday! I can't wait to see what comes next.

Best wishes Lisa
vivien said…
Thank you Lisa :>)

I hadn't noticed!

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