A glimpse of the current project

A quick glimpse of secret project - to prove I'm working!


. said…
I can't imagine you *not* beavering away at *something* Vivien! ;-) :-)
Margo said…
I quite like this Viv, I'm interested to see where you go with this.
vivien said…
It may be a while before I can show you this project properly.
Margo said…
The lovely thing about your blog and your art Viv, is...it's always worth the wait!
Lisa Le Quelenec said…
I didn't doubt you for a minute ;o) This looks very intriguing...
vivien said…
aaaww! thank you!
Laura Frankstone said…
Ooh, I'm so eager to see all! I do love what you do, as I say ad nauseam :D.
vivien said…
thank you Laura :>)

and I'm equally interested in your work with its lovely dynamic line :>)

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