Derwent Artbars in a Stillman and Birn Alpha sketchbook

Summer's End,   Derwent Artbars and Studio pencils in a Stillman and Birn Alpha sketchbook

This one was done with Derwent's new Artbars in an A4, natural white, Alpha series S&B sketchbook.   This one has 100lb paper, which took the washes very well, it seems to take all sorts of media without complaint - though I do admit a deeper love of the lusciousness of the heavy 180lb Beta and Delta series!   I have a 'thing' about nice paper :>)

This was done from a digital image I showed some time back, moving on, not just copying but letting the language of marks of the media make changes.   I'm really liking the Artbars.   There is a little glazing and line from Derwent's Studio pencils in there too - but mostly Artbars used wet and dry.

You can see a review of Artbars that I did here, with further work using them.


Jeanette Jobson said…
The art bars look quite interesting, I'll have to try out a couple when they appear this side of the pond.

I love the piece you've done here with them. The round globe is so solid and appealing and the greens set it off beautifully.
vivien said…
Thanks Jeanette. Yes they are certainly worth trying. I'm enjoying using them as the combination of drawing/painting and transparency to thick layered opacity is great to work with.

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