Sketches of people: Hospital waiting room, Mechanical pencil in Stillman and Birn Epsilon sketchbook

Hospital waiting room, quick sketch with mechanical pencil in Stillman and Birn Epsilon sketchbook

A couple of hours, nearly, in a hospital waiting room can be so boring - unless you use it as an opportunity to sketch.   The waiting patients don't sit still, they constantly look around but do return to the same position so it's just a waiting game.   This one didn't move his body at all but gazed here and there, so while his face was out of position for my drawing, I simply went back to sketching in the body.   The minute he turned his head again I'd go back to add more to that.

Funny hats

Despair or tired?   He smiled when called in to the doctor, so maybe just tired  (that's the top of his balding head with the hood of his coat behind, you couldn't see his face at all)


 surfing or texting

So instea\d of a couple of hours of boredom, it was figure drawing practice :>)  and I need it!  


Jean Spitzer said…
You made something interesting out of all that waiting. Good work.
Margo said…
Where would we be without our sketchbooks at such times! Much more intense looks and poses than to be found at most life drawing venues. I could look at your sketches all day.
vivien said…
Thank you both :>) - yes the poses can be more meaningful than a model posing, just that the models move!
Robyn Sinclair said…
Beautifully observed studies, Vivien. Such a productive and soothing way to pass the time. I'd have been thrilled to have come away with just one sketch as good as these.

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