introducing the latest production ....

Sam :)

my brand new grandson :) and first grandchild :)


Lorna said…
Congrats! You will love being a Grandmother.
Anita Davies said…
Thanx for sharing this gorgeous picture Vivien, a real heartbreaker...Great name!
Robyn Sinclair said…
Okay! If I can have one as cute as Sam, you can call me Grandma.
Lindsay said…
Congratulations! He's beautiful.
jafabrit said…
ah Vivien, congratulations, what a little darling :)
Making A Mark said…
Vivien - he's such a BOY! What a gorgeous little hat as well. Sam is a really nice name too.

So all we need now is the one of Grandma proudly dangling him on her knee!

How many female bloggers have become Grandmothers for the first time this year? I feel as if I'm losing count.........
Sarah said…
oh so lovely, it must be SOOOO fantastic to have a little one to spoil, lucky you...enjoy!
vivien said…
I hope to enjoy :)

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