Kurt Jackson the Cornish Crows

While I was in Cornwall I checked on what was on at the Lemon Street Gallery in Truro as they show some fantastic contemporary work by great artists - and :D there was a Kurt Jackson show on, The Cornish Crows or in the old Cornish language An Byrny Kernow - Kernow is the Cornish word for Corwall.

http://www.lemonstreetgallery.co.uk/kurt-jackson-cornish-crows.asp?ExhibitID=86 a link to the gallery website - it's worth bookmarking and visiting in person if you can.

The lively confusion of wheeling birds in the sketch above catches them fantastically - far better than a 'botanical illustration' type of bird painting every could.

There were several of these odd shaped pieces and they worked really well, floated within a frame.

there's a lively conversation going on in this one :) ..... it looks like an indignant wife asking what her husband has been up to with the bird on the left!

He catches light on water so well and the moody atmospher of low light or bad weather.

The trees near the coast develop this wonderful lean away from the prevailing winds and this dusk image is just gorgeous I think.

like musical notes :) I love the simplicity of it


This last one is an ancient carn - particularly to the south of the county there are lots of ancient stones and carns.

For me he catches the soul and spirit of a place in a way that photographs or photorealist work don't do. His work is on my shopping list for when I win the lottery - for which I very rarely buy a ticket!

Take a look at the Lemon Street Gallery website and see more if you like them - and there is a book you can look through and buy that goes with the show - guess who bought it!


Lindsay said…
I was hopeing you would reveiw the show!! Thanks for the wonderful images and the link.
dinahmow said…
Ooh, lovely stuff! Jackson's crows took me back to the last time I was in Cornwall: a frosty October and the rooks were wheeling over the fields, just like that.
vivien said…
yes, he catches the feeling of a place or time so beautifully :)

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