sketchbook exchange update

Fields of Gold. oil in moleskine sketchbook. Vivien Blackburn

My little moleskine before setting off for the moleskine exchange - it's the little concertina one, which I found really tiny to work in.

Stephanie has now received it and so I can post the picture here. I've been working in Gesa's book which arrived on Wednesday - her challenge was great fun to work to but I can't show it until it's finished and arrives at Stephanie's - she's threatened dire consequences if I don't get it forwarded SOON!

The challenge for my book is local landscapes - panoramic, close up - even macro details - whatever. I'm really looking forward to it arriving home eventually, full of interesting work by

Stephanie ,

Gesa ,

Lorraine ,

David .

Lindsay .

Casey , and Brian.

And I'm really looking forward to my first book from the exchange organised by Lindsay - my book went winging off to France to Ronell last Wednesday and I know some of the others are in the post.



caseytoussaint said…
Two sketchbook exchanges! Your work looks wonderful, Vivien (I sneaked over to Ronell's and had a peek)
vivien said…
thanks Casey :>) everyones looks great! I'm really looking forward to the parcels arriving and seeing what people have done - we all have such a different way of working so it's all unexpected :>)

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