watercolour seascape: sunset across the beach

Sunset, Ebb Tide, watercolour, Vivien Blackburn

Sunset, looking across the beach as the tide ebbs and the pools of water reflect the sky. I haven't used watercolour for a while and fancied playing with the way that the colours merge and flow and glazes of transparent colour create colours it's impossible to name - just like the sky in real life.

There's a lot of aureolin yellow in there - a lovely transparent yellow when used thinly. There is also a very little watercolour pencil and a little pencil added at the end.

I do like watercolours - I should remember to use them more often and get a bit more practice in!

you can see some other work on Cornwall here http://vivienb.blogspot.com/search/label/Cornwall


Chris Bellinger said…
yellow is a very difficult colour to get so that it is pure. the painting ypu have done is sas always excellent.I have been experimenting with acrylic waterecoulour washes and these seem to work well as I never get on with pure watercolour!
vivien said…
It is - aureolin is a beautiful clear (and expensive :>( ) yellow though - and thank you :>)

I like using acrylic washes too under oils - then I get the best of all worlds with canvasses - the watercolour like marks along with more opaque

Good luck with your dissertation :>)
dinahmow said…
yes, there is something about watercolour that mirrors realism.I am currently laying a watercolour wash before printing onto the paper.Seems to work!
Nita Van Zandt said…
This is just glorious! I love the mixes and flows--how paint creates its own awesome version of what we feel when we see a sunset.
Lindsay said…
I've never used aureolin yellow so I'll have a new color to try. You really capture so many moods of this particular beach. Your charcoals with cp's are totally different!
Love these colours. So warm and vibrant. Is there a mood left that you haven't covered yet?
vivien said…
Dinah that sounds an interesting mix of media :>) I look forward to seeing them on your blog.

Nita - thanks :) yes, it does mirror the way colours behave in reality when you glaze, I agree.

Lindsay - it's an expensive colour :>( - but I think worth it. I think you'll enjoy using it.
It's fabulous in mixes with other transparent colours like Rose Madder Genuine or with Viridian gives you that intense spring green.

Shirley thanks - moody that's me! :>)
Katiejane said…
I like this painting a lot. The colors are wonderful and the picture is so restful.
vivien said…
thank you Katie Jane :>)

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