The lino monoprints so far

Lino monoprints, variations on a theme, Vivien Blackburn

These aren't simply linoprints now as they are all unique - I've used monoprinting techniques with them, 'inking' them up with oil paint and working into them with coloured pencils and oil pastel. So I'm calling them lino monoprints as the best description I can come up with. I've included one straight, rolled lino print to show how it prints with lino ink applied with a roller in the traditional way.

  • Monoprints are unique prints that contain a repeatable element - like the linocut in these - but with utterly different results due to colour and inking up differences and work done after printing.
  • Monotypes are absolute one-offs with no repeatable element.

Working with my lino prints this way suits my way of thinking better than the clean cut lino print that's included in the line up above.

If anyone is interested in owning one, I'm going to put them in my Etsy shop

I haven't sussed out the necessary alterations to my paypal account and buy button stuff yet to do anything here! I fell at the first hurdle when trying to change my paypal account to enable a buy button - sigh - I wish I was better at this stuff! I'll work on it though.


Teresa Mallen said…
This is my first visit to your blog and your work is beautiful!

I didn't find adding PayPal to my website to be an easy task. I think if I had just been able to add buy buttons that would have been one thing, but I was having to add variable shipping rates as well as deal with a provincial sales tax that I didn't want to be added to all sales. I was also selling services - people can now enroll in classes using a credit card. I didn't find the instructions very clear or intuitive once I got into the nitty gritty. I thought I had it set up properly, only to find that when someone registered for a course they were charged a sales tax. back in I went. This message isn't meant to discourage you. I just wanted to say that if you are struggling with this, you are not the only one. Hang in there and you will get there!
vivien said…
Thanks Teresa :>)

You use cp's beautifully

Thanks for the encouragement and warnings on buy buttons! it makes me feel a bit better knowing a VERY clever friend NEVER managed it and others say it's not easy

I'll battle onwards with them and paypal :>(
Billie Crain said…
all your linos are absolutely stunning, Vivien! amazing how different they look with variations in colors, etc.

Check with Stacy Rowen(Stop and Draw the Roses)regarding the 'BUY NOW' buttons. she's set up a separate blog to sell from and i'm sure she'd gladly help you out. this is a link to her sale gallery.
dinahmow said…
I love what you've done here, Vivien.If I do something like this (adding colour and mixing up the inks, I mean) I just call it "lino V/E" (with the edition number)for variable edition. V/E means you cannot guarantee an exact repeat of the surface, although the incised lines of the plate remain the same.
(I expect you know that, but other readers may not.)
And good luck with the button gizmo wotsits.
Wonderful series! I particularly like the dark, moody ones!
vivien said…
Billie thanks for that :>)

Thanks Dinah - I had actually forgotten the V/E - I'm not sure if we use it here but I have seen it online. At the moment they haven't been numbered

Thanks Laura - I keep oscillating between liking the dark moody ones best or the subtler coloured ones - I'm not sure!

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