make a font of your handwriting

I thought I'd share this from Julie Oakley's blog

design a font from your own handwriting - I thought I'd have a go as soon as I have time - the weekend maybe. It looks really good see Julie's example.

I've been rushed between work++++ and helping my mother to choose a plumber to install a new central heating boiler - quickly - as the snow is still lying with more to come so no new art work.


Billie Crain said…
Thanks for the link, Vivien! I wonder if I can use this to cyber-sign my artwork. I don't usually sign most of my work until I have it scanned at my printers. I like to hand sign the prints instead. As for my's awful so I doubt I'd want to use it for anything else. lol
Anita said…
Take a moment for a deep breath, Vivien!! Hope your life comes back to normal soon. I dread to think what a font from my handwriting would look like. I should have been a doctor!
vivien said…
Billie you should be able to. I looked at it and your signature IS one of the options :>)

Taking a deep breath Anita!!! and my writing isn't easily legible either - even to me!

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