Exhibition at Mission Trails Regional Park in 2010

Trees, digital image, Vivien Blackburn

A friend, Louise Sackett, has arranged an exhibition in November/December 2010, for a small group of us, in the gallery at Mission Trails Regional Park - there were over 100 applications and only 12 exhibition slots - and we were chosen :>)

Taking part are: Louise Sackett, Nicole Caulfield, Gayle Mason , Katherine Tyrrell - and Vivien Blackburn.

So in November/December 2010, if you are near San Diego and the Mission Trails Regional Park you will be able to see the Park's very first exhibition of artwork by an international group of artists - us :>) It should be a good and very varied exhibition. And Louise is a heroine as she's arranging frames in the US, to keep the costs down for Gayle, Katherine and I who have to ship from England.

All that framing 8>O to do


Jean Spitzer said…
Congratulations! This is very exciting, indeed. Welcome to Southern California (soon).
Julie Dunion said…
How exciting!
Lindsay said…
Congratulations! What a great feather in your caps!
Anonymous said…
Fabulous news - now on with the framing - quick!

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