old tree and rocks with added colour

the tree with added colour

I worked further on the tree - and it's a little bigger now at nearly 14 inches.

I kept the colour range limited but added Pitt pencil in a warm sienna colour and a touch of icy blue mixed into the white.

Better? or should have been left alone! ?


Robyn Sinclair said…
I thought I detected a hint of icy blue in the previous version, Vivien but thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. The addition of colour is good - very Vivien and I like the loosening of the crop too.
Julie Dunion said…
I think better, you've given it enough colour just to give it an extra lift but haven't lost the expression of the previous version. Nicely balanced, the number of times I've overdone it on something like this!
Janet Pantry said…
Yes, much better, Vivien! I think the extra colour gives it more life and makes the tree more distinct from its surroundings :)
vivien said…
Robyn - :>) no tricks, I added a haze of icy blue in that one and then mostly covered it again with the white - I'd wanted it to play against the warmer beige of the paper

Julie and Janet - I'm glad you think it's better. I quite like using limited, muted colours with charcoal :>)

overworking? oh been there done that too! that's one of the joys of oil paint - simplifying down again is so much easier.
Jeanette Jobson said…
I agree, the colour works well in this and doesn't overpower at all.

Its a fine line to know just when enough is enough and you've made good judgement here.
dinahmow said…
I like both , but agree the colour helps;perhaps the monochrome would work better on white paper while the beige paper is already warm?
vivien said…
Jeanette and Dinah - thanks

yes, the paper was too deep a beige to not have to use white as well. I'd started off adding the white/icy blue to add coolness to offset the paper - but then felt it needed the sienna as well. You adjust one bit and then all the rest needs adjusting!
caseytoussaint said…
That's lovely, Vivien!
Billie Crain said…
Your colors are the perfect addition, Vivien.:) I do enjoy your tree paintings! You know...you're a bit of a surf & turf kinda gal.;) Trees and seas.
vivien said…
surf n turf - I like it!!!

thank you both :>)
Sadia said…
Very nice! The sienna toned up the bark well , maybe a little deeper might make it more prominent. Textures are great! Great work!
vivien said…
Thanks Sadia :>) It maybe glows a little more in real life

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