old tree and rocks with added colour

the tree with added colour
I worked further on the tree - and it's a little bigger now at nearly 14 inches.
I kept the colour range limited but added Pitt pencil in a warm sienna colour and a touch of icy blue mixed into the white.
Better? or should have been left alone! ?
Julie and Janet - I'm glad you think it's better. I quite like using limited, muted colours with charcoal :>)
overworking? oh been there done that too! that's one of the joys of oil paint - simplifying down again is so much easier.
Its a fine line to know just when enough is enough and you've made good judgement here.
yes, the paper was too deep a beige to not have to use white as well. I'd started off adding the white/icy blue to add coolness to offset the paper - but then felt it needed the sienna as well. You adjust one bit and then all the rest needs adjusting!
thank you both :>)