update on the snowman book

front and back cover design for Sam's book

NB It's a screenprint, the guidelines and text boxes obviously aren't in the final print

I've been working further on 'the book' - sheesh it takes some time - scanning and then building it in Publisher - and the working out with a little torn pages mock up just how the pages work and what number is opposite/on the back of which. A definite left brained activity and not my strongest point!

The writing is provisional and needs polishing - I definitely need some more practice at this.

centre pages

I decided to only show Sam. their cat and the snowman, Mum and Dad feature as off stage voices only. It kept a simplicity to it and concentrated on the main characters. What do you think?

I used the font that I created from my handwriting on a fun programme and the snowflakes from the fun snowflake-cutter-programme - nothing is ever wasted is it? :>)

I might have another go at a font - a little less higgledy piggledy and easier for a child to read? is it worth it? By the time he's reading the book will be too young for him ........

I used the snowflakes to decorate each page of text but kept the illustration pages clean and simple.

This one is a screenprint of the print preview - no guide lines or text boxes but no colour either - it gives more of an idea of how the page will actually look.



Sarah said…
I have been watching this with great interest. Many years ago I did something similar for my daughter. That was before the days of computers but I did have the photocopier to help out. It was all "cut & past" - literally. I love you little book and I am sure it will become very special to Sam. I think I would make the font as legible as possible as it may well be that he will memorize the book and one day it will help him to learn to read.
vivien said…
that's a good point about the memorising .... hmmm - a friend tells me the font designer is no longer free

I made simple books for my daughters too :>) handwritten and very 'home made' looking ones.
Sarah said…
When I did mine I was playing around with calligraphy. I used "bookhand" because I thought that was the closest to a standard roman font used by most publishers. That way the forms of the letters would be familiar. That was my thinking anyway and she was reading at 3.
Jeanette Jobson said…
This is wonderful! Sam will adore it I'm sure. The language is simple enough, the illustrations perfect.

I agree that it takes time and lots of left brain function to do the layout though. You're doing beautifully, keep going!
vivien said…
thanks Jeanette :)

I wanted it to be a very very personal book which is why I used 'my' font - I could of course print a second version with very clear font - no harm in printing 2 :>)

- my daughters were both reading at 3 as well, I was lucky that they went to a lovely nursery school who allowed them to progress at their own speed and read if ready - and of course we read at home. I don't know what the policy is in his area or when my daughter will start with him.

He's a very quick bright little boy who I would think will take to reading quickly
this is SO nice..I would love to do something like this for my daugthters1 I love your snowman...are we perhaps goign to get some of these for Xmas cards...I would love one...he he
vivien said…
It's a deal! you shall have one Ronelle :>)
Anonymous said…
As an artist I love it. Very cool (literally). As a librarian I love it too. I don't have a huge problem with the font to be honest. I find if kids feel a connection they read anyway. If the font is hard, or the book too big, or the story too hard - they read it regardless. I have had 'not very good reader' 7 yr olds work their way through Harry Potter because they wanted it so badly. So change the font if you truly want to, otherwise leave it be.
vivien said…
great and informed advice - thanks Cath :>) and thanks for the positive feedback too

Yes, I'm going to keep the font - the whole idea of this is that it's very personal. I can always print a version with simpler text later if necessary when he learns to read. He's very bright though so I don't think he'll struggle with it.

He's been read to and has appreciated books since he was a tiny baby so the interest is there - even though he whizzes about like a bluebottle non-stop!

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