update on the snowman book

front and back cover design for Sam's book
NB It's a screenprint, the guidelines and text boxes obviously aren't in the final print
NB It's a screenprint, the guidelines and text boxes obviously aren't in the final print
I've been working further on 'the book' - sheesh it takes some time - scanning and then building it in Publisher - and the working out with a little torn pages mock up just how the pages work and what number is opposite/on the back of which. A definite left brained activity and not my strongest point!

The writing is provisional and needs polishing - I definitely need some more practice at this.
I decided to only show Sam. their cat and the snowman, Mum and Dad feature as off stage voices only. It kept a simplicity to it and concentrated on the main characters. What do you think?
I used the font that I created from my handwriting on a fun programme and the snowflakes from the fun snowflake-cutter-programme - nothing is ever wasted is it? :>)
I might have another go at a font - a little less higgledy piggledy and easier for a child to read? is it worth it? By the time he's reading the book will be too young for him ........
I used the snowflakes to decorate each page of text but kept the illustration pages clean and simple.

This one is a screenprint of the print preview - no guide lines or text boxes but no colour either - it gives more of an idea of how the page will actually look.
I made simple books for my daughters too :>) handwritten and very 'home made' looking ones.
I agree that it takes time and lots of left brain function to do the layout though. You're doing beautifully, keep going!
I wanted it to be a very very personal book which is why I used 'my' font - I could of course print a second version with very clear font - no harm in printing 2 :>)
- my daughters were both reading at 3 as well, I was lucky that they went to a lovely nursery school who allowed them to progress at their own speed and read if ready - and of course we read at home. I don't know what the policy is in his area or when my daughter will start with him.
He's a very quick bright little boy who I would think will take to reading quickly
Yes, I'm going to keep the font - the whole idea of this is that it's very personal. I can always print a version with simpler text later if necessary when he learns to read. He's very bright though so I don't think he'll struggle with it.
He's been read to and has appreciated books since he was a tiny baby so the interest is there - even though he whizzes about like a bluebottle non-stop!